Friday, June 6, 2008


So currently it's 8:47am and I am sitting in my Printing Press class. I am bored out of my fucking mind, and as a result I'm on here.. writing to the world.

What am I writing about? Nothing. Why? Because there is nothing to be said. I have hit a wall. I cannot think/process new information. Perhaps it's the sound of his voice. Perhaps it's the fact that he has yet to look at the class... or maybe it's because I am too fucking tired to give a shit...

Either way, this has me wondering... what if, hypothetically of course, I failed Printing Press? I mean, honestly failed. Marks come back, and I get a note saying I cannot continue because I have failed. Well, as ridiculous as this sounds.. it is indeed quite possible. For you see, apparently we have learned 3.. or was it 4? ... perhaps 5 methods of creating a PDF. (Clearly I don't know any) Apparently this is an important process... one that you cant learn without proper instruction, and one to which I say, "Fuck that."

As I look around the room, I notice that I am not alone in my thinking. Every now and then someone will look up and pretend to know what's going on... but from my seat here in the back row, I can tell that no one does care. And why should they? We signed up for graphic design, not printing 101. I suppose knowing this can't hurt.. but learning it sure does.

So as you can clearly tell, I really do not have anything to say.. but I'd rather be sitting here typing nonsense than paying attention, and learning how to make a watermark.

In other news, Section E finally responded. That was all I had to look forward to this morning.. and it did not disappoint. Turns out, they do love me! I will be making contact with them over the remaining term and hopefully come term 4, I'll be wearing the ring.

Until another day my blogging friends. Let the magic continue.


(You lost the game)

1 comment:

Whoa. said...

Tell your dad he forgot his underwear at my place again.